About Us

Love Without Walls is a nonprofit organization in Mississippi reaching those in greatest need with unconditional love. We believe in breaking barriers and providing essential support to community members and disaster survivors

Our Mission

To reach people wherever they are, whoever they are, and provide vital resources and assistance to community members and disaster survivors, ensuring that no one is left behind before, during, and after disasters

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Our Vision

We envision a world where compassion and resilience thrive, where Love Without Walls continues to make a meaningful impact on the lives of disaster survivors

Mrs. Tracy Hadley, Founder & Executive Director

Mrs. Hadley has been supporting communities in Monroe County, Mississippi for many years. Driven by her unwavering commitment to ensuring that no survivor is left behind, Love Without Walls (LWW) remains dedicated to providing ongoing support and empowerment to individuals impacted by personal struggle and disasters like the tragic March 2023 tornado. By offering essential resources, personalized assistance, and a shoulder to lean on, she leads efforts to meet the diverse needs of each survivor as they navigate the challenging journey of recovery and rebuilding.

Special Thank Yous

“We express our deepest gratitude to the Salvation Army and the generous mattress donor for their invaluable contributions, which have made this event possible. Embodying the transformative power of love, empathy, and solidarity, we are steadfast in our mission to create a community where every individual is seen, heard, and supported, leaving no one behind on their path to healing and renewal,” said Tracy Hadley, of Love Without Walls.